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Yizkor: The Memorial Prayer
This informative article from provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the Yizkor memorial prayer recited following the
Peoplehood: A Resource for Tikkun Leil Shavuot
This 4-page PDF document provides six sources which address the theme of ‘Peoplehood’ intended for learning with a partner (chevruta)
Standing Together: A Social Justice Guide to Shavuot and the Omer
This link opens up a 44 page PDF document full of articles, resources, activities, and programs for Shavuot and the
Akdamut: Text & Commentary on a Liturgical Poem for Shavuot
This 8-page long PDF document provides the Aramaic text and English translation of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during
Tikkun Leil Shavuot Videos & Study Guides from the Reform Movement
This link provides a collection of short videos of Torah lectures with guiding questions for discussion and reflection that can
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Akdamut: Text & Commentary on a Liturgical Poem for Shavuot
This 8-page long PDF document provides the Aramaic text and English translation of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during
Why do Jews Eat Cheesecake on Shavuot?
This minute-long video from the My Jewish LearningYouTube Channel offers two explanations for the popular Ashkenazi custom to eat dairy
Shavuot: The Day that Shook the World
This minute-and-a-half long video, creatively produced to resemble a movie trailer, presents the eternal influence of the revelation of the Torah
Shavuot in 60 Seconds
This minute long animated video presents a brief overview of the origins, significance and customs of Shavuot. Useful for people of all ages, with
Reenactment of the Biblical Shavuot First-Fruits & Twin Loaves Offerings
This 4-minute long video presents a reenactment of the first-fruit and twin loaves offerings, as they were performed in the ancient Temple
What is Shavuot? An Introductory Video for All
This 4-minute long animated video presents an excellent overview of the origins, significance and customs of Shavuot, dubbed “the most important Jewish Holiday
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Yizkor: The Memorial Prayer
This informative article from provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the Yizkor memorial prayer recited following the
Standing Together: A Social Justice Guide to Shavuot and the Omer
This link opens up a 44 page PDF document full of articles, resources, activities, and programs for Shavuot and the
Reenactment of the Biblical Shavuot First-Fruits & Twin Loaves Offerings
This 4-minute long video presents a reenactment of the first-fruit and twin loaves offerings, as they were performed in the ancient Temple
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Alicia Jo Rabins: An Indie-Folk Rendition of Ruth’s Journey
This animated music video presents the biblical story of Ruth, retold by singer-songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins through an original indie-folk song. The
A Children’s Song for Shavuot
This upbeat, catchy song celebrates the excitement of the Jewish festival of Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah. Sung in
The Ten Commandments: A Shavuot Song for Kids
This upbeat, animated music video presents the Ten Commandments from the Torah in an amusing, kid-friendly way, with modernized lyrics,